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Invisalign Attachments: What Are They? Do They Hurt?

February 20, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — willowrundental @ 3:25 pm
Woman in red sweater holding Invisalign aligner

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses clear custom aligner trays to shift teeth into their proper positions. Sometimes, the aligners need assistance to work properly. In such cases, Invisalign attachments may be required. This blog post explains what Invisalign attachments are, whether they cause discomfort, and how they might affect your treatment experience.

An Introduction to Invisalign Attachments

Invisalign attachments are small, tooth-colored bumps that get placed on certain teeth to guide the aligners’ force effectively. They serve as anchorage points to make the treatment more efficient. These attachments are different from Invisalign bumps and bite ramps, which are attached to the aligners rather than the teeth.

Not all patients require Invisalign attachments; your dentist will discuss this with you during your consultation. The attachments may need to stay on your teeth for the entire treatment duration, though some patients might be able to get them removed earlier.

What Do the Attachments Feel Like?

The process of placing Invisalign attachments is generally comfortable. Afterward, you might notice mild discomfort due to the additional pressure on your teeth. Any soreness should subside within a few days.

As you become accustomed to your attachments, they will likely become barely noticeable in your daily activities. If you have questions or concerns about your attachments or aligners at any point during your treatment, contact your care provider so they can provide the needed assistance.

When it is time for the attachments to be removed, your dentist will use a special instrument to take them off your teeth. Next, any remaining residue will be polished off. This process should be efficient and painless. However, you may notice some mild pressure as your dental team is working.

What Else Should You Know About Invisalign Attachments?

Invisalign attachments are small and discreet, so they should not have a big impact on your smile’s appearance or your ability to eat various foods. However, it is advisable to avoid sticky and hard items that might dislodge them.

Attachments can become slightly stained over time. To minimize this, try to limit your consumption of highly pigmented foods and beverages. You should also maintain a thorough oral hygiene routine. If you notice discoloration on your teeth around your attachments, your hygienist should be able to polish it away during a routine cleaning.

Invisalign attachments may play a key role in your orthodontic treatment! Consult your care provider if you have questions about how they work or how they may affect your experience with clear aligners.

Meet the Practice

At Willow Run Dental Association, our team is proud to offer comprehensive oral health services to our community. Invisalign is among the many treatments we are able to provide. If you have questions about how Invisalign works or the steps that are necessary to make a success out of it, we would be happy to speak with you. Contact our Auburn, ME, office at 207-352-2825.

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Willow Run Dental Association is a 42 North Dental Care, PLLC practice and is owned and operated by dentists Dr. Samuel Shames, DDM. and Dr. Ronald Weissman, DDM. Gentle Dental is supported by 42 North Dental, LLC, a dental support organization that provides non-clinical administrative and business support services to the practice. 42 North Dental, LLC does not own or operate the dental practice or employ dentists to provide dental services. Find more information about 42NorthDental, LLC and the dental practices it supports at